Thursday, November 08, 2012

Deadpool #1 -SPOILERS ALERT!!-

Spoilers for Deadpool #1 (November 2012, Marvel Now crap)

OK, I'm not a huge Marvel fan but I love reading a few of their books. I'm loving the current Daredevil run which seems to have stopped, probably because of the mini series by Brian Bendis. The Punisher is good too, specially the last few issues wre good. So, I was waiting for this new 'Deadpool' since the character has always seemed interesting to me but I never read any of his comics. The point one I tried reading, bored me so I couldn't read further. But I thought this could be my beginning. Well, after waiting for a month or more, I finally read it a while ago. What I hate about Marvel is indulgence of other characters in a comic. And so it wasn't Deadpool we see in the beginning. It's that fucking Captain America I really fucking hate.
 Before I get any further, let me explain why I hate cap'n US.
I love America but I hate patriotic people. Patriotic people of ANY country piss me off. One of the reasons is that apparently they tend to hate the rest of the world. The other reason I hate him is that he is too goody good to be real. This is one of the reasons I hate John Cena. It just makes him so boring and annoying.

Anyway, after his ass is off, we get to read more boring crap & about some S.H.I.E.L.D crap. Probably another of Marvel characters. When we finally think we're gonna see deadpool, when some sword cuts up a cartoony dino that even a sweeper isn't afraid of, we see Thor coming out of the belly. I think Marvel either forgot that this is a solo character comic, since ninety percent of their comics are about groups with half of the comics being about 'X-Men & 'Avengers', or they are too desperate to sell their other comics. Later, the comic did get interesting but the last letter "by deadpool" pissed me of a little more, specially when it was mentioned that Tony Moore is 'OK'. I love Tony Moore. I think he's my most favorite artist. OK, I don't like his art colored but that's not his fault but I had stopped reading 'The Walking Dead' when I had found out that the artist had changed after issue 6. Jacen Burrows used to be my most favorite first but after reading, 'The Walking Dead' Moore became my #1. Anyway, I'm still going to read issue two of deadpool before I decide to stop reading this crap or continue.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Darksiders 2 - unfairness

This post was going be about something else but I guess? I've forgotten that or am too lazy to even remember what I was going to write so I'm going to post about something else. I wanted to mention how I hate it that some bosses in Darksiders 2 come right after the other. It has happened twice or more since I've been playing. So it happened with this "Champion" called Gnashor :( We have to find three stones first that require visiting some areas, platforming & doing kiddy puzzles. I wish if a sub boss had to come, it was during first & second visits for the stones that wake the Champion but no. I had all my health too, most of the time. So all the pots, graves etc I broke, I couldn't take more health & wrath potions because I never or rarely used any. But during the last stone stage the game throws this beetle towards us, that is a sub-boss. I had to use most of my potions on this fight :(. It sucks that you can't carry more than 5 of each potion & there hasn't been any way to upgrade your carry size. So when I put all the stones on the skull or come out to do that, I can't even back track to get the potions lying around for me. This makes the fight very hard. In his first form it's easy to bring him down but in his second form, though I bring his health down quickly & keep dodging but he keeps regenerating & I feel I get very little time to grab his face when he roars. And I have only a few potions left thanks to that crappy sub-boss, no backtracking & the game throwing bosses at you one after the other. The crows do help but I'm low on wrath potion too, so I have to wait for it to get full. This isn't a very difficult fight IMO but these things fuck the whole fun of a game. The story is a drag too. They've made him an errand boy. He's Death for fuck's sake. He should be taller than other heavy looking giant characters too but instead he looks like a dwarf when he's talking to other characters & at times he seems too polite.