Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Skyrim on better PC

My PC went dead on me only after a week or so of getting a new motherboard & the casing. Well, not actually dead but more like a zombie. It does work now but w/o my Geforce card which sucks because I won't be able to do some 3d stuff on it including playing Skyrim which I was able to play for 4 or so days w/o much trouble. But the good thing is that I'm getting a new PC now which would be a 'Core 2 Duo' meaning I'd be able to play Skyrim on a PC it's meant to be played on. My Geforce is strong enough. It was the processor that was kinda older. I would be needing more RAM too.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Playing 'Skyrim' nowadays on PC & 'Mortal Kombat 9' on PS3. Completed the story mode. It was good but the 'Konquest' mode in 'Armageddon?', the one about Dario, was better. In this story mode there's only fight & cut-scenes and no adventure stuff :( I'm trying to beat Shao Kahn w/ every character on easy difficulty. Enjoyin Skyrim but not as much as oblivion yet. Maybe it would take some time before I would. I haven't played much yet. A good thing about this sequel is that now you can get married & that too either as a hetro OR a homosexual guy/girl. WOOHOO. And that's not all. There are a LOT of people you can get married to :P This is probably the only RPG, or at least the only one I know of, where you have a lot of people as a choice to get married to. I'm playing as a dude & I'm definitely gonna marry another dude.
Was watchin WWE: RAW SuperShow. It's just another RAW show. Nothing 'super' about it. The 3 hours should have beem '3 hours non-stop action show' but instead it's '3 hours non-stop- yackity yack show w/ a few matches in it' :( I pitty the people who buy the tickets. Winter is comin. I felt the cold breeze again after some days at night. But it happens here at Hala. The 'real' winter starts durin December & ends during Feb unlike in Karachi. This is probably the only thing I like about Hala over Karachi. Unfortunately I don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend to warm my bed ;)  SIGH.

Friday, November 11, 2011


I had gone to Saanghar for some reason and had enjoyed a lot after a long time. I had taken some pics as usual. I'm gonna post a few of them here. This time I'm trying to read one comic a day so I can have something to read before another set of DC comics arrive. Usually I read them in 2 or 3 days or more but then I keep waiting for Thursday. This sucks though but I'll decide at the end of the week whether to continue like this or read them the way I used to. I follow only 3 Marvel comics and they get released after a month :(
I recently finished reading, 'The Hobbit.' It was great... not awesome but great. I'm reading, 'The Outsider' by Albert Camus, translated from French by Joseph Laredo, nowadays. So far, it's been a page turner.
My desktop is fucked up. It won't install new windows :( I'm gonna have to take it to Hyderabad which would be on Sunday.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Hmmm, playing Gothic 2 nowadays. It's as cute as Gothic 1 but also as tough. Superman 2 was all right. I didn't like issue 1 that much either. Maybe I liked this one a little bit more. But I don't want to stop reading the series. After all he's my childhood hero. I like Batman books more though. The only Superman story I've ever enjoyed was 'Superman For All Seasons' by Jeff Loeb and Tim Sale. I haven't read many though. Lois Lane is so annoying. Half of the comic is ruined with her senseless talking. Gothic 4 (Arcania) & Risen look so beautiful. I'm definitely gonna get these this time I go to Hyd.