Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Feminism Privileges

Almost everyday, I find feminism doing something that not only doesn't make sense but ticks me off, but I rarely post. Sometimes it's their senseless whining in the some site, sometimes they associate certain things with others that a normal person wouldn't. I see many things in everyday life where I feel women have more privileges over men. Even then feminists complain & most men do nothing to fight back. Nowadays, feminists spread their usual hypocrisy, bigotry and hatred against men & women who oppose feminism or don't regard themselves as feminists, in the news sites. They not only ignore injustice against men but they even encourage it, like how a man should sit in a subway vehicle or how they should always pay for child support whether they are fathers or not. Every time I see something in the paper I feel like posting it but it's been a long time since I posted anything on this blog. Partly it doesn't do that much since mainstream media is supporting redical feminists and feeding people with lies. Below is a pic I saw a while ago in the paper where these women are holding a protester and one of the them is even biting his hand. Off course no one tries to stop most violent women since they always blame men thanks to feminists.

This is outright violent. These women should be jailed for using violence against a protesting man. Imagine if men did this to a woman even in an art. Feminists would be all over the internet, out of their Tumbler holes and everywhere on Twitter with their violent tweets against men. Women get away with being violent against men and violent against other women. It's because feminists whine about how a woman is always a victim whether she is abused or an abuser. Mainstream media & society needs to stop listening to them & the government should create a law to criminalize violent behavior on/by both genders & not just by men or against women .

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