Saturday, September 22, 2012

Jason Todd - Origins.

I was reading the #0 of 'Red Hood and the Outlaws' just a few minutes ago. When I had started it some hours back, I had to put it 'down' because my friends were here. But I had loved the way it had started. Anyway, so I resumed a few minutes ago & finished reading it. I'm not really happy how the story later continued & ended. Jason Todd as Red Hood is an anti-hero & not a villain. Although the story started nicely with his parents being shitty, but later they showed him stealing stuff too. This kinda story is usually written for villains IMO. OK, I know that Catwoman steals too & she's not a villain, rather an anti-hero or anti-heroine if that's a word or so. But he spent his time with Batman as Robin. Now, I haven't read much on him as Robin but Batman's side kick can't be an anti-hero let alone a villain. He may have had his moods but I don't believe he may have stolen anything or was never happy as Robin. I also believe he may have turned as an anti-hero because he later blamed Batman for not saving him. That anger could have made him an anti-hero. Anyway, this was one of my fav series but it's been boring for me since issue 10 because of aliens & spaceships. This issue was different as it was the origins but the next would continue the story of Koriand'r & her sister which means more aliens. I really hope they end this story soon. The only comic I enjoy reading that has aliens is 'Green Lantern' because the story is really nice & the mythology that Geoff Johns is creating. I love Johns. He's a great writer & story teller. There are other DC comics I read that have aliens too like Grifter, Voodoo (probably ended/would end with issue 0) & Action Comics but they have gotten boring for me too but I don't wanna give up yet. As for Superman, this third writer is way better than the previous two but I don't blame George Perez because Grant Morrison & DC never told him what was going on in Action Comics. He didn't even know first that there was another superman comic going on. Superman would get more interesting for me if they take him back to Smallville, make Lana Lang Clark's girlfriend & make the series more like the early seasons of the TV show Smallville where people would get intro trouble because of meteors & kryptonite & clark would go save them etc. The Metropolis, aliens & Lois Lane are so boring for me that I might give up reading this shit.
Anyway, I wanted to post Jason Todd's pic as Robin from issue 0 (2012) He looks hot in this pic. Looks so much better than that jackass Damian. I just wish Batman would feel the same ;) I really wanted a kiss between them but that's not possible off course.

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