Saturday, September 22, 2012

Darksiders 2 on GeForce 210

It's the same day but I wanted to create a separate post for this. I'm playing Darksiders 2 on PC & Dark Sector on PS3. DS is a pretty cool game. At least it was till the first 6 chapters. There are just too many zombies now & very little humans. It's still fun. I won't say it's underrated because I'd give it 7.5/10 too like Gamespot but this friend of mine hadn't cared about it much. I'm not the only one who thinks it's a decent game. It's a really cool game if not awesome.
Anyway this post is more about Darksiders 2. I loved the original Darksiders. It was more like God of War. This one is more like Prince of Persia. The platforming like wall run, side wall run, jumping beams & even combat music remind me of POP series. I wonder if the developer is different. That doesn't mean I hate it. I love pop series especially the 'Sands of Time' Trilogy.  Darksiders 2 is a cool game. I like Death more than War too. War was so expressionless. You could hardly see his face. They put more emphasis on his armor. Although Death has a mask on & it's a cool one, he seems to have some personality. However, I like the gameplay of original Darksiders more. I also don't like enemies lurking everywhere you go. I love platforming, puzzles & the music though. The characters seem nice. The skill system & the outfits are a nice idea too. I also like that we have this bird as our guide. The horse for now is usually for the huge fields but I don't miss him that much. I also like it that we get to use the gun early one & the one with the unlimited ammo at that. It doesn't do much damage but hey, you do need a ranged weapon ASAP in games like these.

About how it plays on my card:
While I played the original on my PS3, I'm playing this one on PC. I still have GeForce 210 512MB SDDR3. Games like Saints Row the Third & The Witcher 2 ran slowly on on this card. But Darksiders 2 seems to run smoothly. It also takes small space as compared to the other two games I've mentioned. It's taking 5.45 GB on my hard disk. At first I thought this might be a demo or a short version but it's not. OK, I've had a few problems. First of all it's the frame rate. I don't know what's going on. Either it's too fast for a human eye or not so smooth. The camera/aim is faster. I can slow it down but it seems the game play is kinda faster too. Not too fast but a little. Or maybe it's trying not to stop in the middle & jumps off after some brief pause I don't notice. But it's not that bad that you can't play. Some people might not even notice it. It's obviously not on high settings. It's toned down. Somewhere b/w medium & low settings. The other problems are related to the PC & not the card itself. I don't know if it's same on consoles but there seems to be some kinda collision detection problem or Death doesn't 'recognize' some surfaces or even enemies. In combats, 90 percent of the time, he attacks at every direction BUT the enemies'.  It's a bit hard to make him focus on enemies. He keeps attacking away from them & because of this keeps hacking & moving away & I have to bring him back closer to the enemy. Secondly he doesn't 'know' whether to wall run up or run the side of the wall. Half of the time he keeps doing the opposite. I mean when I want him to wall run up to grab the 'grabbable' structure above, he'd run sideways on the wall & vice versa. The hints/tutorials seem attached to the area. I was side jumping a wall when the game told me to hit A (Yes, I'm using a shitbox controller) to jump off to run on the adjacent wall. When once I failed to touch a wall & instead was in the air, the game still told me to jump off the wall :P  So over all it's a good experience. Maybe not as great as the original game but it's very close to that experience. I'd recommend this to everyone who enjoyed original Darksiders & those who enjoy POP games.

Jason Todd - Origins.

I was reading the #0 of 'Red Hood and the Outlaws' just a few minutes ago. When I had started it some hours back, I had to put it 'down' because my friends were here. But I had loved the way it had started. Anyway, so I resumed a few minutes ago & finished reading it. I'm not really happy how the story later continued & ended. Jason Todd as Red Hood is an anti-hero & not a villain. Although the story started nicely with his parents being shitty, but later they showed him stealing stuff too. This kinda story is usually written for villains IMO. OK, I know that Catwoman steals too & she's not a villain, rather an anti-hero or anti-heroine if that's a word or so. But he spent his time with Batman as Robin. Now, I haven't read much on him as Robin but Batman's side kick can't be an anti-hero let alone a villain. He may have had his moods but I don't believe he may have stolen anything or was never happy as Robin. I also believe he may have turned as an anti-hero because he later blamed Batman for not saving him. That anger could have made him an anti-hero. Anyway, this was one of my fav series but it's been boring for me since issue 10 because of aliens & spaceships. This issue was different as it was the origins but the next would continue the story of Koriand'r & her sister which means more aliens. I really hope they end this story soon. The only comic I enjoy reading that has aliens is 'Green Lantern' because the story is really nice & the mythology that Geoff Johns is creating. I love Johns. He's a great writer & story teller. There are other DC comics I read that have aliens too like Grifter, Voodoo (probably ended/would end with issue 0) & Action Comics but they have gotten boring for me too but I don't wanna give up yet. As for Superman, this third writer is way better than the previous two but I don't blame George Perez because Grant Morrison & DC never told him what was going on in Action Comics. He didn't even know first that there was another superman comic going on. Superman would get more interesting for me if they take him back to Smallville, make Lana Lang Clark's girlfriend & make the series more like the early seasons of the TV show Smallville where people would get intro trouble because of meteors & kryptonite & clark would go save them etc. The Metropolis, aliens & Lois Lane are so boring for me that I might give up reading this shit.
Anyway, I wanted to post Jason Todd's pic as Robin from issue 0 (2012) He looks hot in this pic. Looks so much better than that jackass Damian. I just wish Batman would feel the same ;) I really wanted a kiss between them but that's not possible off course.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Feminists Suck!

I was just reading some IGN crap on comics and as usual Mr. Joey Esposido showed his hatred over sex and violence in comics & further said he's concerned why it's done for 'predominant male audience.' I hate his opinions since he tends to get feminist. Either he doesn't have a penis or he doesn't have balls. Catwoman isn't a porn magazine. The sex & violence was done in a story way. It seemed necessary. What is wrong with showing some sex for male audience if there are tons of other comics where women aren't shown as sex symbols. Why should they only care about female audiences? Batman & Catwoman have been shown to have feelings for each other since a very long time. Either he never read those comics or his memory & brain have been relaunched along with DC's reboot. Feminists talk against men and they think they are doing the right thing & nobody says that they should be blocked but when men speak their mind and sometimes it's against women, they are considered sexists or misogynists. Sexism is different. It's like considering the other gender inferior. It's not talking against women or showing sex. Next, I read at comicvine, which is a really cool site about comics & have better reviews and cool features, that some guy at twitter whose id was MisterE2009 or so has been blocked by some comic feminists and others. If we don't agree with someone, it doesn't mean we should block their ass. I haven't read his tweets so I don't know what he was saying but here people talk about freedom of speech and there they get annoyed and block someone because they got offended. I don't see men blocking off feminists. It is actually feminists who are making men hate women not sexists. If some people talk about equal rights, then why do they tend to take lion's share instead? I really don't understand them but I don't expect THEM to understand either. I used to believe in equal rights for women & still do but I also hate it when feminists become sexists. Feminists get offended if Catwoman is shown half naked but women enjoy it when a man is shown naked such as in Gambit #1. BTW I enjoyed them both. I mean their nudity too. Catwoman's origins in Batman: Year one is shown as a prostitute. And although her history is revamped, they are showing some relevance to it. So what's wrong if someone who's some how related to a prostitute is shown half naked. What's wrong with it that some female characters are shown sexy. Do all the females have to be non sexy? If so then why enjoy male nudity and go against female nudity? Not all comic characters are shown nude. Batgirl isn't shown that way. Then there are other female characters. If a a few are shown for some other audience, people have a problem with it. Feminists are so selfish. They only think about their rights and don't care about others. I'm so pissed today lol. I think I hate some feminists more than homophobes or maybe I hate them equally. And if feminists are more stupider than I think, then this blog may soon get blocked too for freedom of speech.