I was watching, 'The Revenant' & enjoying it mostly until this rape scene came up. I hate rape scenes in media because not only they are showing men as rapists but they are also followed by a harsh punishment or revenge just to make the feminists happy. I couldn't believe that they would do this to otherwise such a good movie. Nowadays they can't make movies, TV Shows & Comics without pleasing feminists with misandry. I know most of the Hollywood biggies are sold to feminists but I also know that not all are, though feminists sometimes pay the critics to review such movies as shit. I can't believe the crew would do such a thing for money and just to please such women who actually even hate them and just want to get their propaganda moving to further spread the poison. I really hope people would grow up and stop listening to the misandrists. I'm not even sure I want to continue with the movie at least for now but when or if I do, unfortunately this reason would add to my score for the otherwise very good movie. Apparently movie directors are afraid of feminists so much that they would ruin even great movies with feministic scenes. I really hope feminists are jailed. I really hope feminism becomes a crime.