I added a few sections to google news some months? ago. Sections such as bisexual, gay, mens rights, cats, etc. However, the news I get for these sections isn't always in the favor of the categories mentioned. Half of the time, the news for gay section is discouraging as the news, posted, mentions stories about some rights being snatched away from them, or someone being jailed for being gay, or some church trying to "cure" people or some state against gay marriage. I wonder whether I've made a mistake of adding these sections because the news I'm getting is very discouraging. I thought, as the time passes by, the LGBT community may be getting more rights, maybe, slowly gay or bi people are living more freely and maybe more countries are accepting other sexualities but why the half of the news is about the stories of narrow-minded people? Either google does not understand what kind of news I want or the world is changing its views against people. It worries me to read such stories about such narrow-mindeness. I hope it's just a weakness of google to generate wrong stories and not the world becoming hard for people. If it's the world, which I hope it isn't, then it's so sad to know that the people aren't improving their thinking. But I think it's google since under my section for cats, 90% of time, the news I get is about some baseball team and not about the fluffy feline animal that goes meow meow.